How to Enable Developer Mode in Windows 11?


Windows 10 has a new feature called developer mode, and Windows 11 has it too. This capability is important for developers who need to code software development on Windows PCs and deploy to other devices.

Users must enable developer mode on Windows systems to write, test, and deploy code. Developer mode needs to be enabled not only on the Windows machine where you code, but also on the device where it is deployed and tested. This article will guide you on how to enable developer mode on your Windows 11 PC.

Five steps to enable developer mode in Windows 11/10

Step 1: Press the Windows key and type developer settings.

Step 2: Then press Enter to enter the developer page.

Step 3: Once you reach the developer page, find the developer mode option at the top.

Step 4: Click its toggle button to turn on developer mode.

Step 5: You will receive a confirmation window asking “Turn on developer mode?”. Click Yes.

The above are the detailed and detailed steps to enable developer mode. By enabling Windows 11’s developer mode, users can easily write, test, and deploy code.